Donate to Help Make the xTx Happen!

Your generosity is helping bring the xTexas Trail Project to life! As a project of the non-profit BikeTexas your donations are tax deductible.

We’re in Phase II of our fundraising!

Phase II in 2025: It’s all about ground-proofing the route, spreading the word about the xTexas with “Show & Tells,” and creating strong partnerships and collaborations!

Your ongoing financial support helps make all of this possible.

Here’s what we’re up to in March and April 2025:

  • Hosting group ground-proofing the trail from 3/10 - 3/15 /10 in East Texas, Charlie has dubbed this the “Sweaty Taste of the xTx: The First 100 Miles.

  • Volunteers Moondog Roop will thruskate and thruhike, and Rhea Wallace will thrubike, the full 1,500-miles of the xTx draft trail route departing 3/10 from Quicksand Creek on the Louisiana border. They will be gathering important data along the route and share as they go.

  • Hosting a series of live “xTx Show + Tells” across Texas in collaboration with local businesses along the trail. As of March 2025, events will be held at San Marcos at Galaxy Bicycles on 3/18; at the Ferguson Motor Company coffee shop in Sanderson on 3/21; Marfa in later March (date TBD), and La Wheela restaurant (adjacent to a bike shop) in El paso late March (date TBD).

  • Working with volunteers to create a modern, mobile-friendly database for the unique needs of a non-profit trail project.

  • Meeting with journalists and hiking a new section of the trail in Big Bend National Park.

  • Meeting with landowners interested in allowing access across their property for the xTx.

  • Updating and expanding the xTx websites pages and offerings.

Dec ‘24 recap of the first four months of the project:

  • Charlie has car-camped across the state and driven, hiked, and biked a rough-cut ground-proofing of the entire cross-state trail.

  • In August ‘24 we launched the xTx website which has received 15k visitors and 26k page views.

  • We created a series of storytelling videos from the trail called “The Adventurer’s Report” which we share on the website and on YouTube.

  • We garnered 952 subscribers to our weekly email newsletter.

  • Over 200 people have reached out asking to volunteer their time, talent, and resources.

  • 65+ people have given generous financial support.

  • The story of xTx has been featured in more than 19 new media outlets and online outdoor adventure websites including Texas Monthly, The Texas Standard, Fox News, Good News Network, CNN 5 Good Things podcast and more. is a project of BikeTexas, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. You can donate securely below.

For donations of $1,000 and above, if possible, please use Zelle and the email for your donation.

If you prefer to donate by check, please make your check out to: BikeTexas

Please include a memo that it’s for the xTexas Trail Project. The mailing address is: PO Box 1121 Austin, TX 78767-1121

Any questions about donations? We’re here to help! Please contact us at!