November update!

Happy five-month anniversary to the xTx trail idea! Can you believe Charlie came up with the idea for this big, hairy goal only in June?

I’m thrilled! 98 of you marvelous people have filled out our volunteer survey so far. Thank you! That’s more than 10% of our email newsletter list (which is now over 725 people and growing daily).

More good news is that Charlie has completed the rough-cut ground-proofing of the trail. He feels that 95% of it is good to go. 5% needs work.

As you can imagine, water is the big issue with current drought conditions. This trail is NOT a route to be taken lightly.

Again, it needs to be emphasized that this is a seasonal route not to be taken on in the heat of summer - and even then - only for those who are well prepared. Forewarned is forearmed.

Charlie’s also having amazing conversations with people who own business, work or own land along the route. Stories about these unique and generous people are coming soon.

What’s next on my xTx agenda communications, and organizing agenda:

1) Organizing the volunteers with fundraising skills and/or who want to learn them.

I’ll be hosting an online call about this in early December and connecting directly with the self-identified fundraisers on that. Charlie has set a goal of raising 5 million dollars over 5 years to create a trail and the support facilities he has envisioned to make it vialbe, and supportable.

2) Organizing the volunteers into three communications groups: Horses, hikers, and bikers.

More on both coming next week.

Charlie will be home on Thanksgiving Day and stay with us in Washington for a brief bit before heading back to Texas for more meetings.

I thought you might like to see how the 80 people who responded break down as far as interests: (this is from 2 days ago, more have signed up since!)

Thanks to all of you for your patience with us as two people decide how best to utilize the help of our friends at BikeTexas, and the dozens and dozens of you who’ve reached out to us who want to help. Our hearts are filled with such gratitude.


December update!


Testing out the xTx brand!